What You Didn't Know About Life On A Submarine

"Load Day"

"Load Day" is a term used in the US Navy to describe the day when a submarine is loaded with supplies and equipment before departing on a mission or deployment

On Load Day, the submarine's crew will typically load supplies such as food, water, and fuel, as well as spare parts and equipment needed for maintenance and repairs. The crew will also conduct a thorough inventory of all supplies and equipment to ensure that nothing has been overlooked.


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The More You Know

  • The great fire of London in 1966 which burned over 13000 houses killed only 6 people. It was considered a miracle.
  • Vikings discovered America first, long before Columbus did.
  • A writer predicted how the Titanic would sink in 1898, 13 years before it was even built.
  • Lord Byron kept a pet bear in his dormitory while studying at Cambridge.
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