Washington Man Discovers a Mysterious Extraterrestrial Bottomless Pit Right in His Backyard

First off, You Need to Find It

Cory Henderson, Tyler Templeton, and Evan Catlin packed their equipment and sourced the supposed coordinates of the hole. The public satellite imagery gave a rough estimate as to where the hole was supposed to be. Once they got there, they were shocked pretty much instantly...


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The More You Know

  • Reed Hasting started Netflix after receiving $40 in late fees when returning Apollo 13.
  • North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.
  • The United States defense budget of $698 billion is more than the next seventeen nations combined.
  • The sun and moon appear to be the same size in the sky because of an astonishing coincidence: the moon is 400 times smaller but 400 times closer.
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