Wait, You Really Sleep on That?

Don’t Move

This mattress is for the most specific sleeper on Earth. If you are a side sleeper who can perfectly balance themselves for the entirety of their night, this bed might fulfill your dreams. Other than that, this shouldn’t exist.


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The More You Know

  • A U.S. park ranger named Roy C. Sullivan held the record for being struck by lightning the most times, having been struck — and surviving — seven times between 1942 and 1977.
  • When Boris Yeltsin met President Clinton in 1995, his first question was "Do you think O.J. did it?"
  • Coca-Cola once bought all the website URLs that can be read as ahh, all the way up to 62 h’s.
  • Mark Zuckerberg said a voting mechanism that says whether posts are good or bad is 'not something that we think is good for the world'.
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