Urban Legend Becomes Reality For Terrified Psych Student

Here’s What To Do

Once you’ve driven enough into the tunnel, park the car and turn off the lights. Then, you’re supposed to put baby powder or flour on the windshield. After a while, tiny hands should show up…


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The More You Know

  • After Hitler ordered the deportation of Denmark's Jewish population, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.
  • A single lightning bolt has enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread.
  • Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually in the United States.
  • It's a tradition in Ireland that if you donated a pint of blood, they give you a pint of Guinness to replace the iron.
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