Unearthed World War II Pictures Show A Never-Before-Seen Side of History

St. Lo France

St. Lo, France is the site of all this chaotic damage from the war. The buildings were reduced to bits and pieces of what used to be several homes. Thousands of lives were ruined in the wake of the tragedy. This particular image was captured on the day after D-Day. D-Day was the cause of death for thousands of Americans who experienced the battle...


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The More You Know

  • Before alarm clocks became the norm, there were people called knocker-uppers who would literally knock on people’s window to wake them up in time for work.
  • The sweat of gladiators was thought to be an aphrodisiac. Some ladies even added them into their makeup products.
  • Cleopatra was fluent in 9 languages. They were Ancient Greek, Ancient Iranian, Ancient Parthian, Syriac, Ethiopian, Hebrew, Arabic and Troglodyte.
  • Adolf Hitler designed the Volkswagen Beetle.
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