Unbelievable Moments Captured at Burning Man

Rollin' Around

People take bikes from place to place mostly, but others who have the time and cash to spend tend to get a little more creative with their transportation. Motorized bicycles and scooters are allowed, as long as they adhere to the pre-established Burning Man rules. Skateboards, motorized single wheel devices, and wind-powered vehicles are allowed as well, within reason. 


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The More You Know

  • St. Lucia is the only country that is named after a woman.
  • The television was invented only two years after the invention of sliced bread.
  • The average person living in Sweden eats about 22 pounds of chocolate a year.
  • Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration.
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