These Things You'll Only Find in Dubai

Dubai is truly a city built on dreams. Everything is bigger, better, tastier, more fun, and covered in gold. If you've ever wanted to live like a king for a day, Dubai is the place you should visit...

The Burj Al Arab Luxury Hotel

This hotel is covered with an absurd amount of gold leaf. The interior of the hotel has 1,790 square meters worth of 24-carat gold plated all over it. Imagine the walls being covered in 46,265 Mona Lisa's worth of gold. 


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The More You Know

  • There are castles for sale in France that cost less than a two-bedroom apartment in Australia.
  • Nearly 15 percent of Los Angeles is used as a parking lot.
  • The world's most toxic mineral is cinnabar.
  • The glow around the moon is called a "broch."
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