Totally Insane and Dangerous Wild Animal Encounters

A Rare Lion Attack

While North Americans don't exactly have a tangible fear of a wild cat attack, in Africa, this is a much more realistic fear. While filming a movie, actors interacted with trained lions, however, this didn't ensure anyone's safety. This film had so many anuimals attacks that it infamously became the movie known for the most animals attacks on set of all time. It was pure luck that nobody died. 


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The More You Know

  • Squirrels cause approximately 10-20% of US power outages.
  • Blue whales eat 500,000 calories in 1 mouthful.
  • Snails have been known to sleep up to three years if the weather isn’t moist enough to meet their needs.
  • The Nile crocodiles jaws can apply 5,000 pounds of pressure per square inch – the strongest bite of any animal in the world.
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