Totally Insane and Dangerous Wild Animal Encounters

Party Pooper

In a hungover daze, this man got quite a scare...

"We were having a party one night and I guess someone forgot to shut the kitchen door...The rubbish bag was underneath the sink and I heard something in it (I was directly over it) and I saw coils within striking distance from a Mozambique spitting cobra."


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The More You Know

  • Snails have been known to sleep up to three years if the weather isn’t moist enough to meet their needs.
  • Ichthyophobia is the fear of fish.
  • Female bats give birth while hanging upside down, catching the baby in their wings as it drops.
  • Only half of a dolphin’s brain sleeps at a time. The other awake half makes the dolphin come up for air when needed to prevent drowning.
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