Totally Insane and Dangerous Wild Animal Encounters

Jumpin' Monkeys

Monkeys are commonly mischievous little pests in island countries. One such tourist found herself in an odd position while traveling in Gibraltar...

"A monkey jumped on me in Gibraltar. I saw it flying through the air toward me so I bent over at the waist and it landed on my back.. My uncle, whom I had been chatting with when this happened, was able to shoo it off after a few moments of stunned silence, don’t think he could quite believe what he had just seen.”


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The More You Know

  • Dolphins sleep with one half of the brain at a time, and with one eye closed.
  • Squirrels cause approximately 10-20% of US power outages.
  • Only 5% of cheetah cubs survive to adulthood.
  • Cows moo with regional accents, in small populations such as herds you would encounter identifiable dialectical variations which are most affected by the immediate peer group.
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