This Woman Was Shot In the Neck... And It Saved Her Life

An Arrow Wound

Donna reached up and felt something strange lodged in the side of her neck. It was unmistakably the feeling of an arrow! She quickly screamed out in pain, begging her husband to come from inside the house. There was no one aside from her alone in the yard at the time, so where could it have come from? Her husband dashed out of the back door...


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The More You Know

  • If you heat up a magnet, it will lose its magnetism.
  • Both volleyball and basketball were invented in Massachusetts.
  • Former billionaire Chuck Feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 billion dollars to help under privileged kids go to college. He is now worth $2 million dollars.
  • The 442nd Infantry Regiment, a largely Japanese American unit that served during WWII, did so while their families were held in internment camps. Their motto was "Go for Broke" and they were the most decorated unit in U.S. military history.
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