This Woman Came Back From The Dead With a Bizarre Message From Beyond

It Was Going To Take a Miracle

With the added help of a defibrillator, the paramedics were able to start her heart again, but it wasn't looking good. She was going to have to be rushed to the ER. Brian followed Tina to the hospital in their car to await her fate...


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The More You Know

  • The 442nd Infantry Regiment, a largely Japanese American unit that served during WWII, did so while their families were held in internment camps. Their motto was "Go for Broke" and they were the most decorated unit in U.S. military history.
  • Bill Gates plans to donate 95% of his $81.1 billion dollar wealth to charity. That's about $77 billion dollars!
  • The world's largest falafel weighed 223 pounds.
  • The last movie ever rented at a corporate Blockbuster was "This Is The End" at a store in Hawaii.
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