This Southeast Asian Tribe is Full of Actual Superhumans

A Dangerous Set of Skills

It’s estimated that the Bajau Laut tribe has around one million members, although that information will never truly be collected because they do not share their tribal history with the outside world. However, they do share their rituals and skills to help them stay afloat (financially). The Bajau Laut tribe has been mastering a particular skill for centuries that has allowed them to become a wealthy and modernized group. This particular skill is so dangerous and difficult that nobody else on Earth can perform it, making them an invaluable resource to society…


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The More You Know

  • A German and British aeroplane shot each other down in Norway during WWII. The crew met and helped each other survive. Two of them later visited each other many years after the war was over as friends.
  • The world's largest Barbie collection includes more than 15,000 dolls.
  • February used to be the last month of the year.
  • Donkeys and dolphins are sometimes used as guard animals.
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