This Guy’s Hilarious Mistake Almost Ruined His Relationship


Kevin had eaten his fair share of rare steak in the past. He was a medium guy, sure, but rare wasn’t unwelcome. This steak, however, was basically still a cow. If Kevin had given it mouth-to-mouth, it would have gotten up and walked back to the pasture. What could he do?


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The More You Know

  • Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually in the United States.
  • Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd dusted off their Ghostbusters costumes to visit a terminally ill child who was a fan of the film and wanted to meet them.
  • One in four Americans thinks that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  • You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away.
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