These Weird Historical Trends Probably Wouldn't Catch On Today

Mourning Brooch

When life gives you lemons, put on a brooch. This way to remember a lost loved one actually holds a piece of them, really. These pieces of jewelry were worn after losing one's friend or family. The garment also typically contained a braided lock of the deceased's hair. It's kind of gross looking back on this trend...


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The More You Know

  • A German and British aeroplane shot each other down in Norway during WWII. The crew met and helped each other survive. Two of them later visited each other many years after the war was over as friends.
  • The average person will spend six months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green.
  • Almost all chickens eaten today come from the winner of the 1948 'Chicken of Tomorrow' Contest whose genetics now dominate poultry farms worldwide.
  • Earth is not as round as you thought.
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