These Unbelievable Wardrobe Fails Ended up on the Big Screen and Nobody Noticed

Catch Me If You Can (2002)

This 2002 crime film, featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, Amy Adams, and Tom Hanks, was supposed to take place in the 1960s. Adams can be seen here wearing wire metal braces, but that type of dental wear didn't become popularized until the 1970s.


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The More You Know

  • Enzo Ferrari told a man "you may be able to drive a tractor but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari properly." The man was so angry that he vowed to create the perfect car. His name was Ferruccio Lamborghini.
  • The world's largest falafel weighed 223 pounds.
  • Indians read the most out of any nationality.
  • Where the Wild Things Are was supposed to have been about horses—but the illustrator couldn't draw them.
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