These TV Shows Did So Well That They Got Box Office Spin-Offs

Drake and Josh

Everyone's favorite stepbrothers, Drake and Josh, got two spin-off tv movies while they were in their prime. Drake and Josh Go Hollywood and Drake and Josh: Really Big Shrimp follow along with the storyline of the sitcom, including all of your favorite characters like Megan, Helen, and Crazy Steve. 


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The More You Know

  • Nestlé supplied 1,850 bars of real chocolate for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  • The names of the taxi driver and the policeman in everybody’s favourite Yuletide outing, It’s A Wonderful Life, are Bert and Ernie. The writers working on Sesame Street at the time claim it’s merely a coincidence.
  • While filming ‘The Machinist,’ Christian Bale only ate an apple and a can of tuna each day. His goal was to weigh 100 pounds before producers stopped him.
  • Dan Akroyd’s original script for Ghostbusters was set in a future where Ghostbusters were everyday figures of society like paramedics and firemen.
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