Musicians Who Set the Stage for Rock and Roll

Although Stefani has navigated her career over to the pop side of things, her reggae-inspired punk band is still one of the highest coveted groups in the history of punk music. Stefani introduced an entire generation of women to the punk movement, signaling that you don't have to censor yourself, and you can stay cool while doing it too. Even in her current vane of music, Stefani holds true to her "I don't care" personality that people either totally love or completely hate. She is a beast on stage, her audience interaction is one of the best, and getting to see No Doubt live when they were playing was a privilege that not many people can say they had. 

Billie Joe Armstrong

Critics have a lot to say about Green Day and the "only time they were good," however, those people probably never saw Green Day in their later years. 


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  • Agatha Christie said she came up with many of her book plots while sitting in her bathtub while eating apples.
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