Before the Beatles existed, before the Rolling Stones even decided to try making music, Chuck Berry was changing the world with his artistic interpretation of how a guitar should be played. He was the original frontman, his showmanship was truly unique, so much so that it was shunned initially. Much like other great innovators, Berry's career began with people disliking him for being different, bold, energetic, spastic even. He coined the act of playing the guitar behind the head, between the legs, and virtually every other coveted move that has been replicated over and over until it became commonplace for every guitarist to try at least once. Chuck Berry isn't just a legend, he is THE legend.
Dean Ween
Dean Ween is the pride of Pennsylvania, and quite possibly the pride of music as a whole. Ween is one of the most innovative and charismatic bands of all time, and they have literally pushed the genre of rock and roll further than any other band that has existed.