These Photos Perfectly Sum Up Life With Babies

Worst Moment Ever

Even if you triple check that you have everything you need, it's almost a guarantee that you'll forget something vitally important. Having an inner panic attack when you realize the diaper bag isn't in the back of the car like you thought? That's one of the most common. That means it's time to think fast and figure something else out because things are about to go downhill really fast. 


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The More You Know

  • The patient in the game Operation has a name.
  • Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world.
  • In 1993, San Francisco held a referendum over whether a police officer called Bob Geary was allowed to patrol while carrying a ventriloquist’s dummy called Brendan O’Smarty. He was.
  • Pizza only became popular in the United States after American troops occupying Italy during World War 2 became hooked on it and then popularized it back home.
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