These People Have Undeniable Proof That They Time Traveled

The Philadelphia Experiment

The curious case of the U.S.S. Eldridge is one of the most unexplainable phenomenons to ever exist. The navy ship seemed to have vanished from thin air, and every account of the incident claims the ship was transported through time to form Norfolk, VA to Philadelphia and back. Even with years and years of research, the case has remained open...


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The More You Know

  • After Hitler ordered the deportation of Denmark's Jewish population, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.
  • Humans are the only animals with chins.
  • Coca-Cola consumers will pay more to drink less ounces.
  • The longest place name on the planet is 85 letters long.
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