These Newly-Colorized Historical Photos Reveal Shocking Things

Sophia Loren

Italian beauty Sophia Loren appeared in her first film, Quo Vadis, at just 17 years old. She often took on roles as the seductress of comic stars. She gave some valuable advice to hardworking actresses, saying that it's important to look back on your life critically and recognize moments where you took jobs or opportunities that you didn't want just because you felt like you had to and to not put that pressure on yourself.


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The More You Know

  • Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian
  • Dentures used to be made from the teeth of dead soldiers.
  • In 1912, a Paris orphanage held a raffle to raise money—the prizes were live babies.
  • In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey in order to attract flies away from the pharaoh.
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