These Neighbors Took Their Wacky Antics to the Next Level

Terrifying Garden

This woman’s friend found this in her neighbor’s front yard. How would you feel about these…unique…decorations?


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The More You Know

  • Former billionaire Chuck Feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 billion dollars to help under privileged kids go to college. He is now worth $2 million dollars.
  • A man sued Pepsi claiming he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. Pepsi attorneys stated that Mountain Dew will dissolve a mouse in 30 days, and showed his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured.
  • Christian Bale studied Tom Cruise's mannerisms to prepare for his role as a psychotic killer in American Psycho.
  • Humans specifically have eyes that face forward for the purpose of seeing in 3D.
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