These Heartwarming Stories Might Just Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Just Taking a Little Breather

These trash men in Mexico are just talking a little break from their long day of collecting waste. Don’t you wish you could do this with your friends?


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The More You Know

  • To make it easy to stow and reuse plastic bags, make a dispenser from a discarded 2-liter soda bottle. Cut off the top and bottom with a razor knife. Then screw the dispenser to a cabinet door or closet wall (or attach with hook-and-loop tape).
  • The largest known living organism is an aspen grove.
  • If you left home and forgot to brush your teeth or you ran out of toothpaste, chewing an apple can help with bad breath.
  • T-shirts were originally made for unmarried men who didn't know how to sew buttons on collared shirts.
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