These ‘Game of Thrones’ Characters’ Real-Life Partners Will Blow Your Mind

Kate & Kenny Dickie

Lysa Arryn was a bit of a hot mess who Littlefinger easily manipulated. She is married to Kenny Dickie.


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The More You Know

  • The Sopranos was an influential show in many regards, one of which was its popularization of the "anti-hero." In the episode "College," Tony murders an enemy on-screen and ushers in a new age of glorifying villains.
  • The fan-favorite "Soup Nazi" character from Seinfeld was based on Al Yeganeh, a NYC chef. After the Soup Nazi episode aired (which Yeganeh reportedly hates), his business increased wildly.
  • Breaking Bad: When you combine the titles of Season 2's first, fourth, tenth, and thirteenth episodes you get "Seven Thirty-Seven, Down, Over, ABQ," which is a foreshadowing of the plane crash at the end of the season.
  • The Mary Tyler Moore Show: Valerie Harper almost didn't get the part of Rhoda because she was too "attractive." Apparently the producers had someone more "unkempt" in mind.
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