These Duct Tape Hacks Will Save Your Life and Your Budget

Dustpan Helper

It can be tough to get a clean sweep into a dustpan, so instead, duct tape the edge to the floor. No leftover dust or dirt!


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The More You Know

  • Fill some water bottles halfway, then lay them on their side in the freezer. When it's time for a cool drink, grab a bottle, fill it up with your beverage of choice, and let the wall of ice in the bottle keep your drink perfectly chilled.
  • The stickiness of duct tape makes it perfect for a makeshift pet hair remover and this method is faster than vacuuming. It also works on seats in vehicles. A sponge or cloth wrapped with duct tape works great for getting into corners. Wrap duct tape around a paint roller cover, sticky side out.
  • An easy way to tear tape and get a starting edge at the same time. Simply fold the tape under at a 90-degree angle to the roll. Then, with a snapping motion, pull the tape against the edge of the roll.
  • Give your dishwasher a break by measuring ingredients directly into your mixing bowl using a digital scale.
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