These Common Household Objects Will Be Obsolete In a Few Short Years

Car Bench Seats

All vintage cars had that cool bench in the front seat, but modern cars have done away with the design. Most people tend to favor the use of cupholders and center consoles rather than squeezing a third person in the front row with the driver. It's actually safer that bench seats don't exist in the front.


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The More You Know

  • Cows have best friends.
  • The first American woman to go to medical school was admitted as a joke. Geneva Medical School thought it was joke when Elizabeth Blackwell applied to attend 1847. She graduated in 1849, started her own practice, and opened an infirmary for the poor.
  • LEGO has an underground vault with every set ever made.
  • The Catholic Church considers the Theory of Evolution to be "virtually certain", and believes that intelligent design "isn't science even though it pretends to be."
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