How These Celebs Look Without Makeup On Left Us Speechless

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsey Lohan has fallen off the wagon once or twice on her road to the top, but she's looked great every step of the way. Here, you can see this natural redhead show off her freckled skin and green eyes without a drop of highlight or eyebrow filler. She's had some trouble in her life, but there's no denying that Lindsey Lohan, with or without cosmetics, is a sight to see. 


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The More You Know

  • Matthew McConaughey has a phobia about revolving doors.
  • Matthew Broderick was convicted of careless driving in a car accident in which two people died.
  • As a child, Johnny Depp was allergic to chocolate.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio is fluent in German.
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