Celebrities Who Made The Most Ridiculous On-Set Demands

Katy Perry

"Extraterrestrial" isn't the only extra part of a Katy Perry tour. Her list of snacks includes unsweetened dried apples and pears and lightly salted, dry-roasted edamame. If you ever send her flowers, too, you'd better not send her carnations. She seems to be pretty hot and cold with what she likes. 


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The More You Know

  • Sharks "smell in stereo."
  • About 7% of all humans who have ever lived are alive today.
  • People don’t sneeze in their sleep due to their brain shutting down the reflex.
  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
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