These Are The Top-Rated Movies In The History of Film

Once Upon a Time in America

Robert De Niro and James Woods play two best friends and Jewish gangsters who live in New York City. Directed by Sergio Leone, this film would be his last project before he died. It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and received a standing ovation that lasted fifteen minutes.


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The More You Know

  • John Travolta would have played Maverick in Top Gun if his asking price wasn't too high.
  • While filming ‘The Machinist,’ Christian Bale only ate an apple and a can of tuna each day. His goal was to weigh 100 pounds before producers stopped him.
  • Quentin Tarantino wants to stop making movies after his 10th film. The Hateful Eight was his 8th film.
  • Within 3 days of release The Hunger Games has become the highest grossing film for production company Lionsgate.
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