Major Accidents That Happened On The Set of a Film

The Return of the Musketeers

Despite the preventative advice that was offered by W.C. Fields (never work with a child, horses, bears, or elephants) Roy Kinnear fell off of his horse on the set of The Return of the Musketeers in 1988. Kinnear had never ridden a horse before joining this production, and his novice training was proven insufficient when he was bucked off onto a stone platform. The fall broke his pelvis and ruptured both of his kidneys, putting him in an immediately dangerous position. Kinnear died while he was being transported to the hospital, and this movie was released a year later when a stunt double took his place for the rest of the film. 


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The More You Know

  • Forrest Gump has more CGI than Jurassic Park.
  • Disney turned down the chance to make Back to the Future claiming the mother/son relationship was too risqué.
  • For 'Deadpool' (2016) Ryan Reynolds paid $10,000 of his own money for the right to wear a shirt with The Golden Girl’s Bea Arthur on it.
  • The real Frank Abagnale Jr. appears in Catch Me If You Can as the French policeman who arrests Leo.
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