Major Accidents That Happened On The Set of a Film

The Expendables 2

This huge budget action flick took a tragic turn when stuntman Kun Liu got caught in a terrible accident caused by faulty pyrotechnics. Liu was supposed to stage a hand to hand combat scene on a boat that was supposed to explode right as he got away. Tragically, the explosives on the boat set off unpredictably, killing Liu and injuring another stunt actor, Nou Sun. A wrongful death lawsuit was filed but was eventually dismissed because of liability waivers that each actor had to sign at the beginning of the filming period. 


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The More You Know

  • Tom Cruise earned $75 Million for his role in Mission Impossible 2.
  • The Titanic film runs for as long as the ship sunk.
  • Will Smith wanted to adopt the German Shepherd in I Am Legend.
  • Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually learned how to make soap in Fight Club.
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