These Are The Most Pause-Worthy Movie Scenes

The Graduate

This film about a young man who moves back in with his parents after college came out back in 1967. The most "pausable" scene was when Mrs. Robinson brazenly locks Benjamin in a room and strips down. This taboo film might've raised eyebrows at the time, but nowadays, it's this pause-worthy scene that gets talked about the most.


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The More You Know

  • The mask used in Halloween is a modified Star Trek William Shatner mask.
  • The original raw footage of Apocalypse Now consisted of 1,250,000 feet of film which is over 230 hours’ worth.
  • Fantasia (1940) was originally a short called The Sorcerers Apprentice, but Walt Disney overspent on the score and decided to make it feature length film rather than waste money.
  • To thank Robin Williams for his work on Aladdin, Disney sent him a late Pablo Picasso painting.
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