These Are The Most Overrated Singers in the Industry

Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews is a guy that most music fans love to make fun of. He's got some great hits, is savvy on the guitar, and can sell out stadiums, but there's something about liking his music that makes you a total joke. A lot of non-fans have an issue with his musical style — the spoken lyrics and shouted choruses and unique intonation just aren't for everyone. 


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The More You Know

  • Childish Gambino got his rap name from a Wu-Tang Clan name generator.
  • Dark Horse brewery turned down Nickelback endorsement deal because the workers hated the band.
  • During a fundraiser for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, someone donated $35,000 so that VH1 Classic would have to play “99 Luftballons” on repeat for an entire hour.
  • Elvis Presley exchanged his truck for $1 to a man he generously gave a ride to; a truck for a buck.
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