These Are The Most Overrated Singers in the Industry

Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor is best known for his eccentric playing style and outlandish musicality. No one really gets this band, but select people definitely like them. Though critics have praised this band a lot over the years, there are also critics who just don't understand the appeal.


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The More You Know

  • David Bowie's eyes weren't actually two different colours.
  • In 1969, the founder and the original leader of the Rolling Stones (Brian Jones) got kicked out of the band and then died less than a month later.
  • Chuck Berry, the Godfather of Rock ‘n’ Roll, originally only performed music to buy photography equipment to support his aspirations of becoming a professional photographer.
  • Jimi Hendrix was kicked out of Little Richard’s band for stealing the spotlight and not wearing the uniform.
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