These Are The Most Overrated Singers in the Industry


Rihanna is an industry mogul who knows how to merchandise fashion and cosmetics, but where she falls flat, ironically enough, is in her music career. Though she had early hits like "Umbrella," she hasn't put out music in several years and nobody has seemed to really notice. 


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The More You Know

  • In 2016, Mozart sold more albums than Beyoncé.
  • Dave Grohl was so intimidated by Kurt Cobain that he hid a lot of the music he made while on tour with Nirvana. After Cobain's death, the tucked away music would become Foo Fighters' first album.
  • Freddie Mercury's famous overbite was the result of him having four extra teeth in his upper jaw.
  • Axl Rose once brought a psychic named Sharon Maynard on tour. His entourage called her “Yoda”.
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