These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Here's a pro-tip if you haven't watched this movie, it takes two hours to get to the actual "Batman v. Superman" part. This movie is a cash grab, through and through. Filmmakers saw an opportunity to use two big names to make a ton of money, so they did. Can you really blame them for that though? Most critics hated this movie, but casual viewers overhyped it. Either way, this movie is overrated. 


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The More You Know

  • The original raw footage of Apocalypse Now consisted of 1,250,000 feet of film which is over 230 hours’ worth.
  • Charles Bronson, Britain's most violent prisoner, actually shaved his trademark mustache off so Tom Hardy could wear it during the filming of "Bronson", which was based on his life in prison.
  • Inspiration for the Hulk came from Frankenstein’s monster.
  • The Hulk made his debut in 1962.
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