These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

The Goonies

Critics have primarily chosen to ignore The Goonies in modern times, but nowadays, this movie deserves a bit more scrutiny. Just because a movie is nostalgic doesn't mean that it's immune to critique due to the fact that it perpetuated harmful stereotypes as part of the outright plot. That and the movie is supremely difficult to follow. 


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The More You Know

  • For 'Deadpool' (2016) Ryan Reynolds paid $10,000 of his own money for the right to wear a shirt with The Golden Girl’s Bea Arthur on it.
  • Enya was James Cameron’s first choice to compose the music for Titanic.
  • In every scene of Fight Club, there is a Starbucks coffee cup.
  • ‘Schindler’s List’ relied on advertisements to get costumes for extras.
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