These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

Knocked Up

Knocked Up was the best-reviewed movie of all of 2007. But, some critics were brave enough to go against the grain to call the movie sexist and objectifying to women. While that is still debated, it's impossible to ignore the outdated stereotypes that the main characters fill, and how the supporting characters just exist to be comedic punching bags for the protagonists. This movie doesn't live up to its own reputation. 


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The More You Know

  • Michael Myers’ mask in "Halloween" is William Shatner’s face.
  • The Terminator script was sold for a dollar.
  • The Candyman, played by Tony Todd, had to put real bees into his mouth to film the movie’s climax.
  • That slightly scandalous charcoal drawing of a topless Kate Winslet in Titanic was drawn by none other than the director himself, James Cameron.
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