These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

A Clockwork Orange

Plenty of critics believe that A Clockwork Orange missed the mark on the intention of the book, but was celebrated for its graphic nature and the horrible personality of the main character. Plenty of individuals believe that A Clockwork Orange is an unnecessarily artsy snooze-fest that lacks substance outside of shock value. 


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The More You Know

  • There’s a 20 year age gap between Sam Neill and Laura Dern in Jurassic Park, with Laura aged only 26 during filming.
  • The film rating system began in 1968
  • Natalie Portman dislocated her rib while shooting Black Swan and had to give up her trailer so the low budget film could afford a medic for the rest of shooting.
  • Darth Vader only has 12 minutes of screen time in the original Star Wars.
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