These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

Napoleon Dynamite

Deep within Napoleon Dynamite's wit and charm lays a story that has yet to be unearthed. This movie crushed the merchandising game, but overall it's a slow-moving low-budget snoozer with cute characters and a happy ending. Some think this movie is great, others hate it, but the critical acclaim it received definitely went a little far.


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The More You Know

  • In 1982, Spileberg’s kids classic stayed in the US top ten for ten months.
  • For 'Fight Club' (1999), Brad Pitt had pieces of his front teeth chipped off to play Tyler Durden. He also took soap-making classes, boxing, taekwondo, and grappling lessons with Edward Norton to prepare for the role.
  • Like Facebook, Star Wars was originally prefixed by the definite article ‘The’. Much cleaner without it.
  • Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn failed his driving test eight times.
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