These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

A Star is Born

You know, for a movie that has four remakes of itself, you'd think that the most recent iteration should be the most refreshing, right? Evidently, that's wrong in this instance. Hollywood and critics celebrated this film, though, and casual viewers think that this movie wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as Hollywood made it out to be. 


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The More You Know

  • Steven Spielberg pops up for a cameo in Vanilla Sky wearing a Pre-Crime baseball cap.
  • Michael Fassbender had makeup artists put alcohol on his mustache for a role.
  • "Psycho" was the first time a flushing toilet was shown on screen.
  • George Clooney had a keg of Guinness installed in his dressing room whilst filming Ocean's Eleven.
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