These Are The Most Overrated Bands of All Time

Every song sounds the same for these guys. It's obviously working since their fanbase is a bunch of diehard DMB fanatics, but the rest of us aren't as interested. 


The minds of the guys in Queen are easily the most creative and genius. Sadly, the band became extremely oversaturated. Even diehard Queen fans will call them overrated just because of how top music executives treated them and their brand.


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The More You Know

  • The mask used in Halloween is a modified Star Trek William Shatner mask.
  • In the movie Dredd, they slowed down a Justin Bieber song by 800 times to create the "slow motion" noise.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid approximately $21,429 for every one of the 700 words he said in, Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio did not do the drawing in ‘Titanic’
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