These Are The Most Overrated Bands of All Time

The Eagles

They weren't exactly original. Their most popular song, "Take It Easy," wasn't even written by them. They can basically be paired up with any other Los Angeles band of that time...


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The More You Know

  • Within 3 days of release The Hunger Games has become the highest grossing film for production company Lionsgate.
  • During the filming of The Grinch, Jim Carrey sought counseling from a Navy SEAL to learn torture-resistance techniques in order to handle the extensive makeup.
  • The bridge blown up by Eli Wallach and Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was prematurely detonated by a Spanish Army Captain. Upon learning of his mistake the Captain ordered his troops to rebuild the bridge, only for it to suffer another explosion once complete.
  • The original raw footage of Apocalypse Now consisted of 1,250,000 feet of film which is over 230 hours’ worth.
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