These Are The Greatest Action Stars of All Time

Cynthia Rothrock

Cynthia Rothrock is a martial artist and actor who mainly dabbles in martial arts films. She also holds the black belt rankings in seven different styles of martial arts, which is pretty impressive! She was a high-level competitor in martial arts before going on to become an actor.


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The More You Know

  • Enya was James Cameron’s first choice to compose the music for Titanic.
  • Some of the velociraptor noises in "Jurassic Park" are actually tortoises mating.
  • For 'Fight Club' (1999), Brad Pitt had pieces of his front teeth chipped off to play Tyler Durden. He also took soap-making classes, boxing, taekwondo, and grappling lessons with Edward Norton to prepare for the role.
  • Iron Man owns area 51.
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