These Are the Best Documentaries That You Can Watch Right Now

The Great Hack

This 2019 documentary takes a closer look into the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal. With data becoming the most valued resource in the tech world, it's no wonder why every company is feuding for this goldmine. Exposing virality, targeted ads, and more, this is a must-see. 


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The More You Know

  • Enzo Ferrari told a man "you may be able to drive a tractor but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari properly." The man was so angry that he vowed to create the perfect car. His name was Ferruccio Lamborghini.
  • Portland was named by a coin flip. Had the coin landed the other way, the city would be known as Boston, Oregon.
  • The sun and moon appear to be the same size in the sky because of an astonishing coincidence: the moon is 400 times smaller but 400 times closer.
  • The largest known living organism is an aspen grove.
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