These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

 So Undercover

Miley Cyrus doesn't act much anymore, but this movie might be why. As a private investigator, she goes undercover (like, so undercover) in a college sorority house. Of course, she finds some love and romance along the way, as well as true friendship. For anyone stuck in their early aughts middle school phase, this is a very comforting film.


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The More You Know

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced with guns every day for a month to prepare for The Terminator.
  • Some Wookie suits were made from human hair.
  • O.J. Simpson was considered for the lead in "The Terminator".
  • In the movie 'The Hangover', no effects or prosthetics were created for Stu's missing tooth. Actor Ed Helms never had an adult incisor grow, and his fake incisor was taken out for the parts of filming where Stu's tooth is missing.
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