These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

Bad Boys II

Everyone knows that when Michale Bay is on a project, there are going to be tons and tons of explosions. This is the blueprint for everything else he's ever done. There are car chases, boats zooming through fires, and of course, too many random combustions to count. Drugs, deception, hate, crime and destruction are the minor characters in this one. 


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The More You Know

  • Each frame of the CGI scenes in James Cameron’s, Avatar (1/24 of a second) took an average of 47 hours to render.
  • The Hulk made his debut in 1962.
  • They designed E.T.'s face by combining Albert Einstein, Carl Sandburg and a pug dog.
  • Pixar’s, UP was the first ever animated film and 3D film to open the Cannes Film Festival.
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