These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made


Beyoncé doesn't act a whole lot these days, but this is Queen Bey before she had her daughter, Blue Ivy. Sure, this thing has some wonky dialogue, a loose premise, and terrible quality overall. However, it also has Bey yelling at a woman for stealing her husband (in the form of acclaimed actor Idris Elba) so consider it a new favorite!


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The More You Know

  • Frank Sinatra was offered the lead role in Die Hard.
  • The mask used in Halloween is a modified Star Trek William Shatner mask.
  • Each frame of the CGI scenes in James Cameron’s, Avatar (1/24 of a second) took an average of 47 hours to render.
  • During the filming of Star Trek (2009), Zachary Quinto could not manage to properly do the Vulcan salute. Eventually, J.J. Abrams had to glue his fingers together in order for Quinto to do it correctly.
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