These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made


Beyoncé doesn't act a whole lot these days, but this is Queen Bey before she had her daughter, Blue Ivy. Sure, this thing has some wonky dialogue, a loose premise, and terrible quality overall. However, it also has Bey yelling at a woman for stealing her husband (in the form of acclaimed actor Idris Elba) so consider it a new favorite!


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The More You Know

  • The many parts turned down by Sean Connery include roles in The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Indy IV and Blade Runner.
  • While shooting 'Batman Begins' (2005) in Chicago, a drunk driver panicked and crashed into the Batmobile because he thought it was an invading alien.spacecraft
  • ‘Schindler’s List’ relied on advertisements to get costumes for extras.
  • John Travolta would have played Maverick in Top Gun if his asking price wasn't too high.
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