These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made


In 1998, this Japanese franchise was adapted into a movie, and the world has never forgiven the industry for what they released. Matthew Broderick, Hank Azaria, and Harry Shearer star in this film that boasts a shoestring plot, weak special effects, and a 16% on Rotten Tomatoes. but hey, who doesn't like a big lizard?


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The More You Know

  • George Clooney had a keg of Guinness installed in his dressing room whilst filming Ocean's Eleven.
  • For Dr. Strangelove, Peter Sellers was paid $1 million, 55 percent of the film’s budget.
  • Novelist and screenwriter Nick Hornby is brother-in-law to novelist and screenwriter Robert Harris.
  • Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually learned how to make soap in Fight Club.
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